Bernhard Bettig, Ph.D.
Dr. Bettig's research interest is in how to create better designs, faster. This includes the study of design theory and methodology, and design automation tools. Of particular interest are technological problems where system integration, geometry and simulation play a key role. Topics researched include feature modeling, "design exemplars," constraint satisfaction, topology optimization, knowledge-based engineering, artificial intelligence for automated design synthesis and an internet simulation backbone. To query and manipulate geometric models at a high level, Dr. Bettig has developed a concept, the "Geometry Exemplar". This generic data structure provides a unified, mathematical representation for disparate operations such as: feature/machining region recognition, design by features, solid modeling operations and application of geometry-related engineering knowledge.
Dr. Bettig has developed software for a variety of applications including geometric modeling, variational geometric/algebraic constraint solving, tethered space craft vibration visualization, finite element/finite difference simulation of hydro-generator rotordynamics and a generic object-oriented CAD framework to integrate design and analysis tools. Dr. Bettig also has experience as an aerospace design engineer and has published research in geometric modeling, vibrations and CAD software architectures.
Bettig, B., Shah, J. (2000) "Derivation of a standard set of geometric constraints for parametric modeling and data exchange", (in print) Computer-Aided Design
Bettig, B. (1999) "A Graph-Based Geometric Problem Solving System for Mechanical Design and Manufacturing", Ph.D. Dissertation, Dec. 1999, Arizona State University
Bettig, B., Shah, J. (1999) "An object-oriented program shell for integrating CAD software tools", Advances in Engineering Software, Vol. 30, No. 8, pp. 529-541
Bettig, B., Han, R.P.S. (1999) "Modeling the lateral vibration of hydraulic turbine-generator rotors", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME Vol. 121, No. 3, pp. 322-327
Bettig, B., Han, R.P.S. (1998) "Predictive maintenance using the rotordynamic model of a hydraulic turbine-generator rotor", Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME, Vol. 120, No. 2, pp. 441-448
Bettig, B., Han, R.P.S. (1996) "An object-oriented framework for interactive numerical analysis in a graphical user interface environment", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 39, No. 17, pp. 2945-2971